Pilgrims of Hope: the motto of the "Holy Year" 2025
The Holy Year 2025, under the motto ‘Pilgrims of Hope’, is a special year in the Catholic faith that takes place every 25 years and is also known as the Jubilee Year or Holy Year of Mercy. It is a year of grace and forgiveness in which believers have the opportunity to reconcile with God and repent of their sins.
Background to the Holy Year
The tradition of the Holy Year goes back to the Old Testament, where a Jubilee Year was prescribed every 50 years in the Book of Leviticus. In 1300, Pope Boniface VIII proclaimed the first Holy Year to give the faithful the opportunity to repent of their sins and free themselves from their feelings of guilt. Since then, the Holy Year has been celebrated every 25 years, with the exception of a few special years, such as the ‘Year of Mercy’ proclaimed by Pope Francis in 2016.
Theme of the Holy Year 2025
Pope Francis has chosen the inspiring motto ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ for the 31st Holy Year. It began on 8 December 2024 with the opening of the (symbolic) Holy Door in St Peter's Basilica and will end on 20 November 2025 with the closing of the door.
The focus is on hope, solidarity and a deeper spiritual renewal. This is particularly important following the globally defining challenges of the recent past, such as the devastating COVID-19 pandemic. At the opening, Pope Francis emphasised the need to ‘keep the torch of hope we have received burning’.
Special features of the Holy Year
The Holy Year 2025 will be a year of pilgrimages, as many believers will take the opportunity to visit important pilgrimage sites such as Rome, Jerusalem and Santiago de Compostela.
Numerous events and religious services will take place in Rome during the Jubilee Year. The Holy Doors of Rome's four major basilicas - St Peter's Basilica, St Paul Outside the Walls, Santa Maria Maggiore and St John Lateran - will be opened to the faithful. The symbolic act of passing through these gates symbolises spiritual purification and the reception of grace.
Another important aspect of the Holy Year is the possibility of plenary indulgence. This means that believers can fully repent of their sins before God and obtain forgiveness through certain prayers, works of charity or pilgrimages. However, indulgences are not a free pass for sins, but require sincere repentance and a willingness to amend.
Year of dialogue and ecumenism
The Holy Year 2025 will also be a year of dialogue and ecumenism, as Pope Francis repeatedly emphasises that God's mercy knows no boundaries and invites all people, regardless of their religion, to embark on the path of reconciliation.
Overall, the Holy Year 2025 is a special time for the Catholic Church and its faithful to reflect on the essentials of faith and allow themselves to be touched by God's love and mercy. It is an invitation to rethink one's own life, to recognise mistakes and to embark on the path of change and growth.
The logo
The logo symbolises four stylised figures representing humanity from all corners of the earth, embracing each other to show solidarity and brotherhood. They move on restless waves, representing the often difficult life and emphasising the need for hope, which is especially important in hard times. The central point of the logo is a cross that transforms into an anchor, thus serving as a metaphor for hope that offers stability in storms. This image makes it clear that the pilgrimage is not an individual journey, but a communal path that leads dynamically to the cross. The cross is dynamic and bends towards humanity as a sign of presence and hope.